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MAN - History 5

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This was also valid in the case of the units built in a second Diesel-engine factory in Augsburg, in which Rudolf Diesel had a lot of share interest. It would not be the first time that an inventor turned against his own origins. The complete failure of this company cost Diesel, who in the meantime was a millionnaire, not only a great deal of money, it also damaged the overall reputation of the new engine. This also, would not be the first time that a technically gifted inventor would fail in the financial field.

To sum things up, one could say that up until the distinction of the Diesel-engine at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris, no new Diesel-engines with any essential improvements appeared. These were rather fairly successfully tested on the second delivered engine. The overall Diesel-engine-project was being threatened. One can imagine the effect that this must have had on the ever-responsible director, Heinrich von Buz.

Only after this date did things, once again, start to move, not only because their competition, in the meantime, seemed to be having more success than the original manufacturers themselves. Thanks to a special stratagem in the air-injection, an atomizer led to a better air/fuel mixture. The production of the motor became cheaper when the crosshead disappeared and piston and crankshaft were directly connected.

Of course, MAN remained the driving force of progress in terms of diesel engine. Therefore one focused on four-strokes in Augsburg and the plant in Nuremberg on two-strokes. As we now know, this compact drive has particularly enforced in the sector marine diesel while the plant in Augsburg rather delivered motors for power plants, the first for the tram administration Kiev in 1904.

From Nuremberg, the world of the steamships with their low performance and high fuel consumption was changed.It started with a barge in 1903. 221 kW (300 hp) were realized in a motor for submarines as early as 1907. The Selandia of 1912 became famous as the first really seaworthy ship. 07/14               Top of page               Index
2001-2014 Copyright programs, texts, animations, pictures: H. Huppertz - Email
Translator: Don Leslie - Email:

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