We however, will remain in Augsburg, where in 1857 the former Sander Factory was converted into a public company called 'The Machine Factory Augsburg' (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg). Buz emerged, after the whole change-over and share-distribution phase, as the new director, holding the biggest share-packet. The thorough education of his son was a further landmark for the prosperous development of the company. He studied at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic Institute and before entering the company in 1857, he gathered foreign experience in England and France. Perhaps one should at this point, mention another branch of the company, the building of hydro-turbines. Under the management of Buz's son, after the fast presses for book and newspaper printing, the second major seller in the company's history was introduced, this was the refrigerator. Carl Linde was a professor at the Polytechnic Institute in Münich (later Technical University). He was, by the way, also later the patron of Rudolf Diesel, from whom Diesel first heard about and was fascinated by the theory of the Carnot-process. This professor had invented a machine which could produce cold, e.g., in the cellars of the breweries in summer, making the continuous delivery of dry-ice unnecessary. What he needed was a factory that would turn his idea into reality. Thus, Linde and Buz found each other, whereby later, the connection to Diesel would be more easy. Indeed, Diesel must have known about the Machine Factory in Augsburg, because from 1870 to 1885 he himself lived in Augsburg. At this point, we'll skip the protracted history leading to the success of the Linde machinery and come directly to the incipient relationship between Diesel and Buz, the title of 'von Buz' was only bestowed on him later. One can imagine what the theorist Diesel was like. Armed with nothing but a letter, he applied to the director of a machine factory for a position, and in this letter, he suggested the building of a machine, in which he was speaking of pressures of 150-bar. Apart from that, he had chosen the very unwieldy coal-dust as a fuel, which could hardly be got out of the cylinder. The letter was passed on to the chief engineer, who of course, promptly pointed out the enormous technical problems of building a machine of this type. What ever the case may be, whether the chief engineer, whose field was steam-engines, agreed or not, Buz, first of all said no. Indeed, he was at least, able to force Rudolf Diesel to alter his concept. It turned out to be an advantage for him, that in the meantime, his patent application 'Theory and construction of a rational thermo-dynamic engine' had been accepted.