1971 Mercedes SL (W107)
It has two famous predecessors, and that's its problem. About the first of the series, the 300 SL you have to lose no word anyway. But also the second emerged as Pagoda SL the history. It is difficult to continue in such success. Now remain the coupes/convertibles at
Daimler-Benz usually a bit longer in the program, but 18 years production time are here also unusually.
Design is usually difficult to assess. Nevertheless, in the first SL-versions the engine bonnet seems to bulge over the chromed radiator grill. The trunk lid had to fight in the meantime with an ugly spoiler from the
accessories. Side of the window areas join plastic blinds. Many of these lapses and also the some unusual colours, the SL has lost during its long production time again and is then go down in history as unobtrusive and
therefore timeless exemplar.
Much will be tested on it even for others, e.g. the rectangular ribbed rear lamp units. Later you can 'admire' them even on Mercedes buses. The company advertises insistently for the grooves, which inner surfaces also
remain transparent even if heavily soiled. The SL is the first which benefits this patented invention. A second example for the introduction the four-spoke impact absorber steering-wheel.