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Our new car (1)


The volume eDrive 2 will also deal with the specific maintenance of an electric car. We actually didn't want to switch to electric mobility at such an early stage. The reasons for this are briefly mentioned here.

We simply didn't have any luck with our VW Golf 6, because it was one of the first vehicles where the deception with the alleged test bench values was discovered. We became suspicious when, soon after the purchase, we learned at a trade fair that Continental was attempting to make repairs to CR injectors possible using appropriate spare parts.

When asked on the occasion whether it was worth it given the price of new ones, they were quoted as around €750 per injector. When I inspected the Golf engine at home, the four injectors turned out to be from Continental, of course. At some point the news came that the company had given up production or shifted it to Bosch.

To shorten a long story, all four injectors gradually gave up the ghost, probably in the electrical circuit after a bit more load. But that can't be the case with the last two because we simply didn't dare to put even a little more load on them.

With our previous VWs we were used to taking over the vehicles ourselves much earlier than would have been advisable for possible goodwill cases. This was also done with the injectors, with moderate success right from the start. Of course, one was already prepared for the fact that it wouldn't go off without problems.

The main mistake that should be mentioned is that the torque of the only fastening screw for the first two injectors was not properly determined, but simply on the screw for the third and fourth. It is easy to imagine the consequences of a screw that is too tight. The cylinder head was never again fully in order at the point where the screw was torn off.

At least the car, albeit with an additional construction that prevented such a screw from breaking out, was fully functional again, if not exactly presentable. Then came the diesel scandal. First effect, a second reason to perhaps never get rid of the car again. And already simple measurements on a four-gas device seemed to confirm the suspicion of manipulation.

But what annoyed us even more than the incredible loss in value of our car was the way we were 'asked' to update the software. Because VW refused any guarantee for this action, which could be described as a repair. On the other hand, the car would never again have passed the Technical Supervisory Association without the update . . .

And then the trial against VW, which ended with a guilty verdict after seven years. This happened because VW offered incredibly little money in compensation. If they had offered twice as much, we would never had sued. In the end, VW had to pay more than four times as much and of course additional interest and legal costs.

The tactic is clear, namely to delay regulation until as many vehicles as possible have reached 250,000 km, after which VW no longer has to pay anything. In between there was a so-called model lawsuit, in which it was mainly the lawyers who filled their pockets.

But the result was a bit sad because we will have to give up our Golf. We asked if we could buy it back, but that's not possible. Apparently the submission process is the same for thousands of former VW customers. It's a shame, because it still would have been good for years to drive and had only just passed the Technical Supervisory Association.

However, the sadness is not too great, because as things stand, we would never have been able to sell the car, we would only have been able to scrap it. And even after a few more years in our hands, it would probably be too good for that. And so we came to electromobility like hardly anyone else.

Incidentally, VW has retained its nature. The ID.3 only available in more than one year. Although we know the head salesperson personally. Hyundai should be able to deliver within six months and the cars do not come from Korea, but from the Czech Republic. And cost as much new as a used ID.3.

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