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Since 1907, there existed not only a branch in Vienna, the capital of Austria-Hungary, but even a production facility, such as in Turin 'F.I.A.T. S.A.' officially, but generally and by us here 'Austro-Fiat'.

Initially, Turin was involved with a third, later increasing it, as was common practice in other countries. The first company that Ferdinand Porsche joined in 1893 was Egger. And the son of the company boss later became the boss of Fiat in Vienna.

The assembly of Fiat parts from Turin began as early as 1908. Within two or three years there was enough capacity to put complete vehicles, including the body, on the wheels. The demand was enormous.

This didn't just mean cars, which in itself led to an enormous expansion of the plant within a short space of time; trucks were also built. The vehicles for the fire department are particularly highlighted on the Internet, but industrial engines were also delivered.

Of course, the construction of commercial vehicles was accelerated with the beginning of the First World War, and the first aircraft engines were added. However, the role of Austro-Fiat became problematic after Italy entered the war against Austria-Hungary.

Vienna remaining as the capital of Austria after the war made it possible for Fiat Agnelli to take over the works again as the 'Austrian Fiat Works Vienna' and the connection to supply the East was initially retained.

But inflation took its course and the situation in Austria became confusing. Bad for the economy, good for war profiteers like Castiglioni, about whom you can read something in our book 'BMW 1'.

The banks, including Castiglioni's deposit bank, acquired Fiat's shares. The plan was to merge all Austrian producers, but the remaining Adolf Egger knew how to prevent this.

This is how Fiat survived the bad times in Vienna and specialized even more in trucks and buses. Sales could even be expanded to include exports. Cars were increasingly designed as delivery vans and taxis. But all of this only lasted until the global economic crisis in 1929 . . .

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