Toothbelt mounting
The fitting of a new timing belt has become more and more complicated. Not only the large number of components which have to be removed for the change, or if the same belt is to be used again, the obligatory
marking of the parts. The new belt may also have to run in a certain direction or it may be that wide or that tight, that it can hardly be fitted. Should the coolant pump be eccentrically mounted, there may possibly, be two
different points where the tension is to be adjusted.
After being in operation for a longer period, the timing belt stretches a little, thus causing the valve-timing to be shifted in the "late" direction, this causes the camshaft to "chase" after the crankshaft. A cone between the
camshaft-pulley and the camshaft, which can be moved, makes a compensation possible in the course of an inspection. So, the camshaft-pulley can be mounted anywhere on the camshaft. Picture 2 shows, how a
camshaft pulley can be used when mounting a close fitting timing belt. The fixing bolt holding the pulley onto the camshaft is screwed out as far as possible, then the pulley is tilted enough for the timing belt to be
slipped over it. Whether renewed or not, in the end the most important thing is the belt tension, which can be measured by the device shown in picture 3.