Floating-frame brake
Although it wasn't the first disc-brake with only one piston, it was largly responsible for the breakthrough on the market of this construction. Although in this construction, the frame did not 'float' as completely as in the floating caliper brake, the occurence of the brakes blocking was far less than in former constructions of this kind.
Regardless of the fact that it is no longer available in series, we have used this example once more because here, one can show the
function of the single-piston disc brake very clearly. The concept is indeed, identical to that of the floating caliper brake. In the above illustration, in the braking position everything moves, other than the dark grey
brake disc, and the brown holder of the floating frame and piston-cylinder unit. The blue piston presses the brake pad against the brake disc, which at the same, presses the green cylinder outwards. This pulls, through
the red floating frame, the outside pad inwards. As a result, the brake disc is clamped between the two pads.