Ball Joint
This drive shaft joint should transmit the torque to the steering wheel, keeping the full bending capacities of front wheel driven cars, with as few side influences
as possible.
How it works
The ball-socket which is connected to the wheel has milled lanes to fit a lot of small balls. The (big) ball fitting the ball-socket is connected to the drive shaft and has the same milled lanes on its surface. The (small)
balls are being held by a suitable cage and allow the joint uniform (homokinetic) transfer with a bending angle of up to 47°. With this technique all the positions of the steering wheel are possible if the car is equipped
with front wheel drive.
Because of the suspension, it is necessary to vary the length of the drive shaft; this is accomplished at the axle drive with length variable
constant-velocity joints. Ball joints are therefore sometimes called constant-velocity joints.
Ball joints have to have grease permanently. The protection cuff (sealing) should be controlled regularly for damages to prevent the exit of grease and or entry of dirt. 03/09