Cloud Computing
Who would ever have thought, that a simple hard-disc would be too slow for the beginning of yet another 'new era'. How long have we had to wait, until through mass-production even they became generally
affordable? Indeed, what can one do against the influx of new generations, without being branded as being hopelessly out-of-date?
You may ask, what that has to do with motor cars. Well then, let's go back a bit. We've just mentioned, that the hard-disc would be replaced, either by a sort of main storage, which would alledgedly, be 'up to
10.000 times faster', or by a so-called Cloud inside the internet, which already today, can handle 2,5 million Terrabytes per day. Of course, the processing speed depends on the individual internet access.
This however, is not quite true, because if one wants to look for anything, one only needs to upload the search-task. Once this is done, things really start to move. What then, can one upload or search for? A very
plausible example arises when listening to music. In the past one had a particular armchair - in nobler houses, perhaps in the reading-room. A comprehensive record- or later, CD-collection was more than
The introduction of the remote control, which made it possible to do things without leaving the chair, made it a bit more complicated. So, everything stored on the hard-disc, indeed, it is becoming obsolete. But
why? Because people like to take their music with them, wherever they go and, e.g., most certainly when they're off jogging. The players are getting smaller and smaller and the music is being stored in a Cloud.
Web-Space (in a Cloud) is becoming cheaper and cheaper. As far as our web-presence is concerned, we've reached the status of 'unlimited'. No, the price is not exorbitantly high. If we were to make a further
booking for the automatic doubling of our contents on an independent system, we could do without both of our external back-up hard-discs.
We are being told that our devices will become dumber and dumber. Indeed, this is what they've been saying for quite a while now. Despite this, the devices have become more and more efficient. Smartphones
can run programs almost incidentally, for which in the past, larger computers were needed. Now, what's this got to do with automobiles?
Loading music into the Cloud is comprehensible, but pictures, text or videos? This is only understandable through the existence of Social-Networks. One can only share, if everything can be accessed
simultaneously. Alledgedly, 80 % of all internet-users do this, the younger they are, the more they use it. Although these are only 'digital wares', if there are also ideas among them, which can be improved by
such actions, then the use of them is imaginable.
The business of 'Carsharing' is, as the name implies, the sharing of motor cars. Only the procedure has become a little different. One only has to appear in the outlet or agency for perhaps registration
purposes. After that, for a period of time, which one decides oneself, one can use the car, whether the car is, at the moment, parked in a favourable place, is still to be discovered. One can even become a
'micro-enterpriser', with the right-of-use to a certain parking slot and as the 'baby-sitter' of a rental car.
There are already (rather younger) people don't even want a car of their own. Will that also be the case concerning computer equipment? An office with just a smartphone and a printer? Whereby, the odd letter
could also be printed and sent out as an order. Who today, would dare to offer a prognosis of what's to come? Only those economic experts who are well paid by the government? The streets are paved with
business start-ups, venture capital can be found on the internet in a very short time, perhaps just another “Cloud fairy-story”.
Once again, what has this got to do with motor-technology? What would you estimate, how much sensor-data is uploaded as well? Certainly, sensor-data takes up much less space than possibly insignificant
videos. No, we're not going to use the famous example of the refrigerator that sends a report about it's contents into the internet. Also, in this case, neither do we want to control the heating remotely.
Indeed, how far have we come concerning the linking of vehicles? Are only the same brand-names affected, or is there already a base for data standardization? In this case, one could obtain a more realistic
picture of the respective traffic density, without have to wait for information from the responsible departments. One day we'll be able to race through thick fog, without being able to see where we're going,
because our sensors will reduce the risk of an accident to zero (joke).
Indeed, how do you feel about interlinking and data-storage in the era of E-mobility. At the end of the day, the electro-cars will, with their remaining power, start to gamble, hoping that in the dark hours the
electricity will be cheaper. And we worry about electricity storage? Instead of that, we should be making sure that there are enough hot-spots. Being able to work anywhere that one would like to. Up to now, it's
still only a dream.
It's true, there are not as many home-jobs as we once thought there would be. Another point, the controlling and checking up on such work places will probably increase instead of becoming less. Truck-drivers
can already tell you their sad stories, of how the electronics are slowly whittling away at their freedom. Dispatchers can follow their movement easlier than if they were sauntering through the warehouse only 50
meters away.
Let's linger for a moment with the practical advantages. The supermarket check-out scanners caused a small revolution. Wouldn't it be great, if electronic payment could be as fast, or even faster than actual
money changing hands. Apparently this type of system is already available. The manufacturers promise a time of 2 to 3 seconds. Smartphones however, would have to be able to master the Near Field
Communication (NFC) system.
Indeed, one must also phrase the demands on Cloud-computing. Apparently, it should distribute technologies and contents which in the past, could only be accessed by few. In this case, the costs should then
also be moderate, i.e., a low basic charge for cashless payments, so that not only those with a lot of money can afford it. In addition of course, also a high security level, which is in fact, already higher than the
security in the IT-departments of some companies. 02/12