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 F7 F9

Self Convidence


We all know that a good appearance can be a big advantage as far as ones career is concerned. Without a doubt, a great deal can be changed here. This however, does have its limits, because it is their individuality that distinguishes people and because one has a right to search for ones own. There is one consolation for those who don't consider consider themselves to be particularly good looking, e.g., generally, a face is considered to be be more attractive the more even and symetrical it is. The problem is, such faces are not easily remembered. This is exactly the signification of this text: How can I draw the attention of my colleagues and superiors to myself, without appearing embarrassed or even worse, arrogant?


It is, once again, especially important to look at oneself through the eyes of colleagues, superiors or also friends. Friends will offer criticism anyhow. It's the others that one should observe very closely, because they will, more often than not, hide their displeasure, at least in personal encounters. There's no sense at all in trying to show an image which one can't back-up. It would be better then, to improve the product, in this case, ones own personality. How ones superiors deal with your interests, compared to those of others, is also interesting. From these observations one can also pick up tips for possible changes in behaviour.

To think that you will always notice your own bad moods, is a big mistake!, and woe betide if you arrive at work the next day particularly friendly, to compensate for your bad mood the day before. In this respect, people are unerring and as hard as nails in their judgement. Remember, a promotion or a project management position needs not only the approval of the boss. It would be better to check ones own appearance more often, and not only in a mirror. Apart from that, one should take care that one is continuously being noticed. Hardly anyone is feared more than the sporadic go-getter.

In conversation one may occasionally let slip something about ones own leisure activities which could be interesting for others as well. However, be careful! Some bosses cleverly use such information as a conversation- starter. Do not make the mistake of assuming real interest and go off into long monologues, your boss will not be able to get to the actual point and may become aggravated. As much as one may be aware of ones weaknesses, don't forget your strong points either.

What should you do, if you are asked, in an interview, why you think you should be given the position? Don't ever present yourself as something that you honestly don't believe yourself to be. In addition, one should not promise things that, as early as in the trial period, turn out to be unrealisable. Take, as an example, the advice of others in the company whose knowledge and tips are highly estimated.

There are situations, where one is clearly in the defensive. E.g., one is trying to sell something or because a committee has come together to evaluate you. It is here that your own strengths are apparent, if it is clear that you are not a 'yes-man'. Indeed, this can not be done in the form of direct contradiction or without thorough consideration. Best of all, is to allow several opposing views to be presented. Then, perhaps a short break will be announced. After that, when everyone is looking at you in expectancy, you can, in a composed and confident manner, without any 'I-told-you-so' intonation, state and briefly give the reasons for your opposing view.

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