2017 Hydrogen Circuit
This project is launched on the edge of the future. It is about the production and use of hydrogen, in which the company Toyota with its fuel cells is particularly interested. Before you wave it beside, please
bear in mind that the hydrogen economy is probably the only way to make long-distance truck transport
environmentally friendly in the future.
There are even several sustainable aspects. The focus is on a wind turbine producing up to 2 megawatts in Yokohama. A Hoffmann apparatus, which is brought into industrial scale, splits water into oxygen and
hydrogen. In addition, a lot of used batteries are available for windless periods.
Toyota remains faithful to the use of nickel metal hydride, which has mostly been installed in the 10 million world-wide sold hybrid vehicles. A second exploitation. This means that hydrogen is continuously produced
in the small plant, which is then transported directly to the customers by specially designed small transporters.
In the videos below you can see the refueling of special forklifts with fuel cells. Instead of 6 to 8 hours in the case of batteries the 'recharge' takes about 3 minutes, then they go back to their normal activity e.g. in a
brewery. The disadventage in the project is the strong compression of the hydrogen which is not only essential for storage, but also for transport. Of course, it can also be carried out with the environment friendly
electricity. 07/17