2017 BMW - History
Actually, this facade is a symbol of failure for BMW, but a reason for joy today in 2017. And this can be explained as follows: Completed as a factory and thus significant expansion of production in 1918. Here, aircraft
engines were built much too late, suitable for hitherto considered unattainable heights.
With the end of the Second World War Germany is forbidden to produce airplanes. The much too large factory can not be fully utilized by the production of motorcycle engines. More far-reaching plans are rejected by
Knorr AG, which the majority of the company has taken over for quite a while. 'Pneumatic brakes for trains' is the name of the program.
And so remains for the rest of BMW only to leave the buildings and start again elsewhere, together with the naming rights and corresponding production machines. Nevertheless, this remains the birthplace and in
2014 there was a chance to buy them back. They were extensively restored over the next two years.
This is probably so well done that the city of Munich choosed the historic gate building in 2017 as one of the most beautiful facades of the Bavarian state capital. Incidentally, the BMW Group Classic is now home to a
hub for information and services for owners and fans of classic BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles. 04/18